Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .

What is a birthchart?

The moment you are brought into this earth plane, the sky is in a unique configuration. This guide can help you understand patterns, deepest desires, and soul purpose. Everyone knows the sun sign, but this is only one of ten planets each correlating with a different aspect of our life. As the planets move through the zodiac we are called to look within, provoking particular themes with every transit.

Want deeper insight?

As an educator, our founder Amanda is sure each birth chart reading incorporates a lesson of the foundation of astrology so that you may become empowered as your own astrologer. How does your map align with the current sky above? Where are you being asked to pay attention? Understanding the patterns and systems of astrology guides us to be more aware, insightful, and intentional in the choices we make. Come uncover the depths of you.